Saturday, September 8, 2012


School has started, and I can barely keep up with it. It's quite sad that I don't have time to watch Divas in Distress. I'm so busy that I'm writing this while working on my models. Make one cut, type one sentence

I've been skimming through the recent episodes. The one scene that stands out the most/most memorable would be when Him hugged Mandy. So cute how he would grab her arms and wrap them around him and she would put them down, and this would go on and on. I was so happy they got together, but they didn't even last 1 episode! Sigh. I'll catch up on all the episodes when I have the time and then gush(hmm, don't think I've ever gushed about anything in my life) about Mandy/Him pairing.
Him Law is reading Harry Potter! Not like his character to read stuff like that. Can't really see it in this pic, but if you enlarge it, you can see the word "Potter" on the top of the left page and "Hagrid" on the top of the right page.

Until next time, PENGUIN WAVES BYE!